Arturo Gonzalez

Preferred pronouns:


Areas of expertise:

  • Community organizing

  • Social justice

  • Immigration integration

Role: Vice President of Communications


Arturo Gonzalez currently serves as the Ministry Coordinator for the Claretian Missionaries and the Claretian Bible Institute. From 2006 through 2013 he was a Citizenship Coordinator and a Community Organizer with the Interfaith Leadership Project in Cicero, IL and during this time he organized with Catholic parishes across Chicago to engage in social justice work and held many workshops and trainings on Catholic Social Teaching and community organizing.

Between 2013 and 2015 he worked with the United We Can Initiative to continue his work with Catholic parishes by developing programs that helped to support immigration integration across the region. Beginning in 2015 Arturo served as a Pastoral Migratoria organizer with the Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity through the Archdiocese of Chicago. Arturo is a widely respected Catholic leader across the Chicago region and he’s been involved with CSPL since early 2020.


Anthony Williams


Faith Arnold