invest in the movement
Your financial contribution is essential because...
Your dollars pay for gas money for our organizers, hiring translators so that every event is bilingual (English/Spanish), making training accessible to low income leaders, developing an in-depth resource library to serve people of faith, and so much more.
become a financial partner with us
When you donate to CSPL you directly support the people and communities at the center of our work. No matter how much you can give, your gift will help us build power and achieve our shared goals. We are a 501(c)3 organization, so every donation you make is tax-deductible.
CSPL Board President
Through thoughtful listening to the community members in the low-income areas where they work, I have seen our leaders hone their focus areas and adapt to respond to the most urgent needs articulated again and again.
Through this faith-rooted work, CSPL members commit to building a more humane society, learning with and from one another as they democratically define our shared goals to address the most pressing social, racial, and economic injustices facing our communities.
CSPL has afforded me the opportunity to share my God-given gifts by being a part of a community of servants who believe that advocating for fair social justice policies is paramount to be a “delight” in God’s eyes.
Being a monthly sustainer is the best way to ensure CSPL can continue to build thriving communities. Monthly donors provide essential funds we can count on, which keeps us stable and nimble, so we can respond to changing needs and opportunities in our communities.
Get Involved
We work toward the Kin-dom through our Four Pillars, 4 key collaborative strategies that drive the mission forward. Which Pillar do you most resonate with?
Social Change
We act boldly together to improve lives and communities.
Liberative Theology
We help people understand
their faith differently.
Our power and influence is greater together.
Invest in the Movement
Your time, money, and expertise will transform communities.
Without money, our movement cannot exist. We count on supporters like you to keep our organization growing.
free historical jesus book download
What did Jesus’ life look like 2000+ years ago?
This book is an invitation to share in that curiosity about the historical Jesus, what his life was like 2,000+ years ago, what his community experienced, what his teachings meant, and, most importantly, what they can teach us about advancing justice in our neighborhoods and communities through a community organizing framework, grounded in a deeply rooted spiritual life.

Click the button below to schedule a chat with a member of our staff! We would love to get you pointed in the right direction.