Our Four Pillars


Through our liberative formation, we help people encounter the historical Jesus, a radical disruptor of the status quo. This better equips community leaders to build a movement that confronts power through non-violent resistance.

A hand-drawn icon of a wise and gentle eye with a starburst at the center of the pupil
Abstract image with a brown wave-like shape over a black background.
A tabletop fountain, several candles, a prayer singing bowl, and several books for contemplation

liberative formation


Our members develop their innate leadership capacity through CSPL. We believe that every person has the fundamental right and responsibility to engage in civic life and to work for the common good.

We’re committed to supporting our members to effectively organize for social change. Deeply rooted in - and inspired by - Catholic spiritual and theological traditions, CSPL provides our members with leadership training and resources that do just that.

We help people of faith understand the historical Jesus differently, as a radical disruptor of the status quo. Our resources center around topics such as non-violent resistance, movement building, and liberation theology.






Liberation theology and Catholic Social Thought are new to a lot of people of faith.

Scroll through the options below to decide your next step, or click the button to browse upcoming events.

Stylized brown wave against black background

resource library

If you want to explore the Theology of Collaboration with God…

One of the greatest resources we share with our members, sustainers, and community is our expansive resource library. Here, you will encounter the historical Jesus - a radical disruptor of the status quo.

Our member wins at CSPL are led by our Theology of Collaboration with God, and everything we can learn from how Jesus showed up in the world 2000 years ago. Explore videos, blog posts, books, and more behind our spirituality.

A collection of books on religious themes displayed on a table, featuring titles such as "The Power of Parable" by John Dominic Crossan, "God & Empire," and "The First Christmas." The books examine aspects of Christianity and the life of Jesus.

atttend an event

If you want to meet with real people making changes in their communities…

CSPL could not make the impact we make without the real humans involved in our work - our members, sustainers, and community members are the real heroes.

We would love to have you join one of our upcoming events. Put faces to names, have genuine conversations, and network with people of faith who share your heart for their community. And of course - we’ll provide snacks!

A large group of people attending a presentation in a spacious hall with a speaker at a podium and a screen displaying information.

apply for a Leadership cohort

If you’re an actively engaged community member with CSPL…

We train current and future leaders to make a greater impact with an in-depth formation program. If you’re looking for a way to level up the impact you’re already making, we invite you to apply for a Leadership Cohort.

CSPL’s Leadership Cohorts are an in-depth, month-long formation program intended for people of faith who are already actively engaged in the work of CSPL and taking leadership in their parish, university, or organization.

The next round of cohorts is in March 25. Apply by January 31!

A circle of Latine CSPL members hold a small group discussion

attend our annual congress

If you are involved with any part of CSPL…

Once a year, we gather our full community for 3 days of getting to know one another, learning with and from each other, deepening our faith, and taking action together in our Congress.

This continues to be a favorite among our engaged community because of the connection, knowledge, and change it provides. View the video to learn more.

2025 CONGRESS details coming soon!

The Iconography of our 4 Pillars & the Kin-dom

Graphic artist Izzy Spitz designed these images to represent the 4 pillars through which we achieve our mission.

Illustrated arched door with a path leading into the distance, surrounded by abstract shapes and a palm tree on the left.

The laurel wreath was a symbol of victory and strength in ancient Rome. This icon showcases an upside down laurel wreath with a path forward to the sun. The laurel wreath turned upside down was used as a symbol of resistance to the Roman empire.

Community Organizing

This fist historically symbolizes liberation and resistance is styled as a stained glass window, something commonly found in churches. It represents how we each bring together our unique contributions to the movement. Together, we build power to achieve meaningful systemic change.

Liberative Theology

Spiritual and theological formation merged with the skills of community organizing fosters a process of conscientization, or critical consciousness, as developed by Paulo Freire. By developing critical consciousness, we become aware of oppressive political, social, and economic systemic structures and our role as people of faith in creating better alternatives.

Coalition Building

Like these doves, distinct churches, universities, religious communities, and grassroots organizations organize in solidarity, so that those who have experienced systemic injustice are the central protagonists in the work of building communities rooted in justice and equity through dreaming, planning, strategizing and taking action together.

Organizational Development

These cups, pouring out one into another, represent how we collectively gather and share resources—both money and people power—to sustain our organization.

Abstract wavy design with beige and black colors

free historical jesus book download

What did Jesus’ life look like 2000+ years ago?

This book is an invitation to share in that curiosity about the historical Jesus, what his life was like 2,000+ years ago, what his community experienced, what his teachings meant, and, most importantly, what they can teach us about advancing justice in our neighborhoods and communities through a community organizing framework, grounded in a deeply rooted spiritual life.

Nave of a Church
Abstract wavy black and beige pattern


Silhouette of a smooth, curved hill against a white background


Click the button below to request a chat with a member of our staff! We would love to get you pointed in the right direction.